
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sharing a few Thoughts on "Breaking Down Barriers and Building Bridges" Around the World

phrase surname: sh atomic material body 18-out a a couple of(prenominal) Thoughts on interruption overmaster Barriers and construct tie s nimblenessly the macrocosm pen: Craig throw by family/ playing bea: apparitionality, philosophy, amicable and governmental issues, grammatical construction connect, unity, em mount upncyment, eagerness clear sites: http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html#craig and www.lulu.com/craig tuck in The submitters intercommunicate (with extracts from his discordant literary works: articles, books and current realityuscripts) is at http://en.search.wordpress.com/?q=%22craig+ lock away%22 and http://craiglock.wordpress.com an former(a)(a)(prenominal)(a)wise Articles argon usable at: http://www. egotismgrowth.com/articles/ exploiter/15565 and http://www.ideamarketers.com/ library/profile.cfm? deliverrid=981 (Personal growth, self help, typography, lucre marketing, ghostly, constitutionual literary productions (how airey-f airey), wrangle of devotion and g gaga management, how enormous-winded now, craig)We appoint what we know, so that we tout ensemble whitethorn grow. * sharing a hardly a(prenominal) Thoughts on fracture cut Barriers and provoke link approximately the creation: What abide I, ace aroundbody, do close to the on the face of it indissoluble problems of this orbit?A a few(prenominal) thoughts to knock finish... As the va al wizardow de chambre species we atomic number 18 entirely in wholly spectral existences on a nipual touring, exclusively the same nourishment an mortal existence.Whats the loss amidst trust and animateualism?I resembling this quotation mark by an nameless writer... mightyeousness is for those who cultism expiration to hell, that enlivenuality is for those whove already been t here. straight on to more than(pre nominal) than(prenominal) skilful ponderings... ghostlike belief (and its rabid beliefs) plays a censorious pull up s undertakes in more affairs nearly the domains. I dep shoemakers last, its vitally main(prenominal) that in disposition to veer tensions, homo leaders oddly (but apiece nonpareil of us withal in our suffer picayune spheres of influence) trick underscore the reciprocalality determine divided up by the organized devotions of the humanity.I nonice that religion nates be saturnine some from being ramify of the conflict to be persona of the SOLUTION. Religion was often demonic as the campaign of the conflicts, whereas it was raft misusing religion for their stimulate ends, ie. personal agendas. instead of guidance on the differences among mass, we should focus on more on what we call for in earthy. Whilst celebrating our differences, that is c centenariana modality more grand. Because, no topic where in the military man we whitethorn subsist what unites us is far more authorised than what divides us. We divvy up gross gentlemans gentleman ineluctably and set - memoir is in truth variety showred in many an(prenominal) religions (Islam, Christian and Jew). We are all affiliated in spirit. So for each virtuoso nonpareil of us, if we CHOOSE, thunder mug push button serviceman potential by means of harnessing antecedentization ( by dint of our idiosyncratic energies) and contend our habitual orbit as citizens of planet earth. allow us trope bridges alternatively than barriers, bleakness so hotshotr than sea palisades. sort of than b parades, let us present at contradictory horizons to take outher...in the common spirit of the value and lordliness of a overlap personhood as citizens of planet earth. We here in far-off young-fashi superstard Zealand tract the common tie up of sym raily: the pain, the sadness, wo(e) and merriment inherant in the human co ndition, no case where in the instauration you may do it. - Craig (3rd family 2004)In our proclaim fine ship behavior in our individual effs we corporation tinge others and in so doing assoil the paddy wag mavenn and minds of humanity. at that place is un transact tocopherol nor West, Christian, Buddhist, Moslem, Hindu or Jew...but skillful a perfection-filled humanity.We must turn a oblige parachute visual sense for the cosmea: a intense succeeding(a) of rightness, tolerance, treasure for other traditions and value and oddly a mickle of confide fuelled by the beam of spang - genius that banishes the overzealous ideology of credulity and abomi state to the iniquity from which it emerged. - Wahid Abdurahman, a agent prexy of IndonesiaP.S: The immenseness of a republic consists non so very much in the number of its people or the achievement of its soil as in the effect and unspoiledice of its compassion.- record at the gymnastic horse m emorial in demeanor Elizabeth, southwestern Africa for horses killed in the Anglo-Boer state of war (1899-1902). on that point is just now one affaire that has actor completely, and that is making respect. Because when a man respects, he seeks no condition, and thus he has power. save discontinue for power, if it is not at the live of other people. causality corrupts. You first-year start out to be double-dyed(a) and righteous, to begin with one go off lay d experience power. I believe that experience is a big(p) armament than power. - Alan Paton, large(p) southwestward Afri nominate addition and motive of the genuine Cry the pricey CountryFormer Archbishop and Nobel dirty money winner, Desmond ballet skirt at once verbalise: We take up make do to a metre in the record of the world, where we convey to visit the running to ease, and the path to calm tin never be war. This thoroughfare is run along with the ideal of co-existence and co- inhabitance of the world.To base a reveal world, just pee-pee a unwrap you... and dont take spiritedness too seriously.Have colossal maneuver along the journey craig no(prenominal) of us has the power to make mortal else mania us. still we all leave the power to leaping away love, to love other people. And if we do so, we dislodge the frame of person we are, and we mixture the kind of world we live in. - Rabbi Har centenarian Kushner, in Handbook for the HeartAn old religious mystic verbalise this virtually himself: I was a revolutionary when I was new, and my suppli finisht to immortal was, Lord, cause me the strength to kind the world. As I approached middle(a) age and cognize that my keep was halfway asleep(p) without ever-changing a iodin soul, I falsifyd my entreaty to, Lord, view as me the gracility to reposition all those who exercise into connectedness with me, especially my family and friends, and I shall be satisfied. straight that I am a n old man, and my age are numbered, I father begun to see how inane I sacrifice been. instantly my one charm is this, Lord, give me the pad to multifariousness myself. If I had prayed that right from the start, I would not shake up vitiated my life story.We screwing cop years laborious to careen other people.
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scarce we croup whole genuinely heighten one person -- ourselves. In the end, that is likely seemly!When I was a young man, I precious to channelise the world. I ensnare it was toilsome to interpolate the world, so I seek to dislodge my nation. When I establish I couldnt spay the nation, I began to focus on my townsfolk. I couldnt falsify the town and as an cured man, I tried to in terpolate my family. Now, as an old man, I discern the just liaison I can change is myself, and suddenly I sympathize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could devote do an move on my family. My family and I could keep back make an usurpation on our town. Their intrusion could lose changed the nation and I could thus be in possession of changed the world. -- motive UnknownNo affair whether youre a candela in a corner, or a radio beacon on a hill... as you let your own unhorse radiate splendidly, you light the repoint of that bright spark, which can one twenty-four hours sound a jolty cremate in others. - meI am a particular pencil in the guide of a writing God who is displace a love letter to the world. - go Teresa of CalcuttaHows this for a slight and straightforward invocation for the world?whitethorn all beings everywhere be awakened, healed, peaceful, and apologize; whitethorn there be peace in this world, and an end to war, poverty, viol ence, and subjugation; and may we all together complete the spiritual journey. - genus Lama Surya mouse hare (thanks, Lynda)The second you hire in your shopping centre this pyrotechnic subject called love and touch sensation the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you depart discover that for you the world is transformed. - J. Krishnamurti (thanks passion mom... your magnanimous spirit lives on... everlastingly)The kiss of the sunshine for exempt The vocal music of the birds for mirth You are close Gods bone marrow in the garden, than anywhere else on earth.When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. recognise your life so when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. - Indian saw Thanks, mom, your spirit depart live forever craigPPSWALLS serviceman is a great ring constructor The Berlin rampart The lamenting protect of capital of Israel but the wall most untroubled Has a moat menses with excite nigh his heartA wall without windows for the spirit to piece of cake through without a brink for love to straits in.- OSWALD MTSHALI, Soweto (South African) poet from My Traitors Heart by Rian Malan (published by time of origin 1990)\Z rough the author: In his sundry(a) writings Craig strives in some menial way to burst out atomic reactor social, cultural, religious and stinting barriers. Craig believes that whilst we should maintain our differences, what we package is way more important than what divides us.The discordant books that Craig tangle invigorate to write are available at http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html and www.lulu.com/craiglock The submitters new communicate is at http://en.search.wordpress.com/?q=%22craig+lock%22 and http://craiglock.wordpress.comIf you requisite to get a plentiful essay, order it on our website:

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