
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Altered and disordered physiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Altered and disturb physiology - Essay ExampleIf the secretion is not proper such(prenominal) as hyper secretion increase in secretion, or hyposecretion decrease in secretion might resuly in growth disorders.The secretion is classify as hyper secretion and hypo secretion depending on the amount of hormones secreted. The results ends in affceting the growth. For example hyper secretion reults in gigantism in chidren, and acromegaly in adults. Hypo secretion of hormones happens in glands like piptutory gland , the disordered secretion results in dwarfism during childhood, and also reduses long bone growth. The disorder in pancreas leads to diabetes insipidus. Etc.Tradionally scientisits classified ad the endocrine disorders into hyper and hypo secretion according to the imbalance in hormones and glands secretion and disorders into primary and secondary disorders. The thyroidal glands has the disorder of hyothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Similarly the insulin secretion resuots in pr imary and secondary diabets level. The primary hyperthyroiism results in a award where excess of parathyroidBut now a days with the advent of molecular(a) biology the classifaction that was insisted base on hyper and hypo secretion of glands and hormones seem to be inappropriate as the scientists review the endocrine secretion in terms of the genes that is present in the cells. This method helps in the detailed analysis of the glands with the help of the characteisitcs of the special(prenominal) gene.Molecular biologists discovered the mehanism of the chromosomes pairng and seperation that helped them in understaning what are the techniques that could be appointed to review the genes. To be more circumstantial the invention of DNA helix, the gene expression was understood clearly and this included the protein synthesis also. So the molecular biology helps a lot in understanding the pattern of the secretion with the help of the DNA in the chromosomes. Wikiepedia 2006 says that Mo lecular biology chiefly

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